星期日, 3月 19, 2006

joey's charisma



其實對於演員來說,有一個如此個人的show,真的千載難逢,可以絕對盡情show off 自己的charisma,是establish的自己的契機。這正好印證在joey身上。joey孭唔孭到咁重飛﹖你看重演三次都爆曬就知啦。

可惜,one man show成也在人,敗也在人,今日joey狀態認真麻麻,當然不至於敗,但看著不無可惜,也不禁應驗了joey訪問的那一句,希望他會快d好番啦。

ps. 完show後與joey影相,聽到lewis話喜歡個訪問,多謝曬先,不過,也許你應該要多謝 joey本人。

2 則留言:

匿名 說...

Hi Jonathan ! I totally agree with you that Joey is an actor with charisma. I like your article since it could portrait the whole issue and an actor in a more objective perspective.

Actually I have written something about him at my blog sometime ago:


多多指教 !!

匿名 說...

Hi Jonathan ! I totally agree with you that Joey is an actor with charisma. I like your article since it could portrait the whole issue and an actor in a more objective perspective.

Actually I have written something about him at my blog sometime ago:
