星期六, 7月 29, 2006

這是我於漫畫展的戰利品,可活動式z gundam,兒時至愛。這個公仔最大賣點係唔洗自己砌,而且造工精細,任郁都唔怕壞。(查實唔係漫畫展先買到>.>)
仲有個動漫art show,有人玩轉高達系列,嚟一個畜生版渣古。抵死。

星期四, 7月 27, 2006

星期一, 7月 24, 2006



呢 個地方真係隔涉到極點,好處係唔怕學生走失,但建築風格好像很豪華,但又很騎呢,西西地,同時又有一點地中海風情,外地嚟既音樂大帥就話︰「i guess it's not chinese, right?」然後一個新加玻嚟既學生就說︰「yeah, like going to Disney.」如果當場有一個內地學生,probably佢會講︰「很漂亮呀。」

不過最震驚的是,我住的酒店,有一個叫「casablanca」既餐廳(sorry,唔見Ingrid Bergman),我準備在此等候主辦方的接頭人,但入到去,立即被人攔截(係中國人)︰「我們這裡只給外藉人來食飯的。」天啊﹖﹖我係咪嚟度咗上世紀既上海呀﹖真係令人髮指,如果李小龍在世,我一定搵佢投訴!!! 呢個就係「華人與狗」餐廳。

星期日, 7月 23, 2006

fancy a ride?



btw, 近來,看了超喜歡可以對號入座的反斗車王,及bored to dead的超人。
kevin spacey這個大壞旦,竟然是個古典樂迷,唉,難道聽古典都是freak?
不過,如果擁有kevin spacey這個角色的智慧也不錯哦。

星期一, 7月 17, 2006

No Not 聽過沒有

究竟係叫你唔好,定DOUBLE NEGATIVE,好呢﹖


星期二, 7月 11, 2006





星期六, 7月 08, 2006

A wonderful night you can buy, only for tomorrow

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So far, tonight's concert is the second best concert i attended this year. (The very best is the trio concert featuring Shaham, Bronfman and Mork.)

Tonight's concert is part of the 3 weeks Tchaikosky festival of HKphil. Tonight we got HKphil with the pianist Simon Trpceski to play Tchaikosky's piano concerto No.1 and let the orchestra to play toe symphony no. 6 alone.

I must the whole concert is nothing but GREAT. Simon is at his best tonight. He showcasts his ability to move but not wow the audience, which i appreciate very much. He might be a bit peserved, yet he is super-moving and romantic when conducting some slow movement. HKphil's principal flute player is worth a mention who plays beautifully during the trio conversation between the piano, cello and the flute in the concerto.

But what really surpises me is Symphony no. 6. I guess playing Tchaikovsky is never easy, not becuase of huge demand on technique but on how to express emotion of the sorrow Tchaikovsky. In the first movement, i am surpised to hear how Hkphil expresses grief and swallow through its string section in a very moving way And the similar moment can also be found during the 4th movement which lead to the final silence of the whole piece.

The guest conductor Gelmetti also worths a mention. To conduct a dramatic piece like that, it's good to go for a conductor with extensive experience on opera conducting. Gelmetti as the chief conductor of Teatro dell'Opera since 2000, i observe his most frequent direction given is "Sh!!" ie. putting finger on his month. They can especially to be seen after explosive or strong movement. I guess it is one of his way to construct the dramatic effect the piece requires.

There will be one more concert tomorrow (8/7), I strongly recommend it to all of you.

星期日, 7月 02, 2006

Wow, dream comes true

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當joanna打給我,說黃哲倫(david henry hwang)來了香港,我心中立即浮現M Butterfly電影版中,那個超級勉強女裝扮相的尊龍,然後二話不說︰「一定要訪問啦。」

一來他的行頭勁,二來我也很喜歡M Butterfly,三來我也很想看一看是誰寫了一本,我year two的時候花了不少時間研究的劇本﹖

那裡多理由,還不是dream comes true﹖傾得非常愉快的一個下午,原本可以跟他一起去坪州看大戲,但因為要返公司,無計啦。(但其實,宜家諗番,應該不惜一切去坪洲先岩。無得後悔啦。)

this time, really GREAT artist interview's done,.